Staff Council

Supporting TXST Staff Since 1993

Texas State Staff Council is a collective voice for Administrative, Professional, Technical/Paraprofessional, Secretarial/Clerical, Skilled, and Service staff on campus. We support a variety of activities and initiatives to to improve work-life balance and provide support for the university’s dedicated and valuable staff.

Staff Scholarships

We want to support your education! Staff Council scholarship applications are open January 13-31.

Employee T-Shirts

Staff Council is excited to offer an exclusive T-shirt, designed specifically for TXST employees. Pre-order through February 4 with pick up in early March.
staff council members 2023

about us

Get to know our mission, campus involvement, council members, and leadership.

Upcoming Meetings

Meetings take place on the second Tuesday of every month via Zoom and all staff are invited to attend. Unable to make it? We will post the meeting minutes on our website.


Make recommendations or express concerns that affect our work-life at Texas State.
staff member receives award

Staff Recognition

We celebrate staff achievement through annual scholarships and awards. You can also give a fellow staff members a shout-out!


Whether you run for election, attend monthly meetings, or give a donation, we encourage all staff to get involved! Contact us at with questions.