February 2025 Meeting Minutes and Handouts
Call to Order – Chad Willis, Chair
Check-In with Dr. Damphousse – Dr. Kelly Damphousse, President
We are in the middle of the legislative session. The legislature meets now to plan for the next two fiscal years. President Damphousse testified last week. Summary of what was shared:
- TXST reached two large milestones this year: over 8,000 freshmen and 37,000 students.
- Enrollment for the 2025 spring semester at Texas State University’s Round Rock Campus grew 21% over spring 2024 enrollment. 93% retention of first year students from fall to spring.
- Why do we want to increase student enrollment? The state of TX wants a college education, in 10 years, 75% of jobs will require a post-secondary credential.
- Strategy to increase not only San Marcos enrollment, but also Round Rock and Accelerated Online Programs. In the works to offer TXST courses at community colleges so that students can stay where they are in TX and complete their bachelor’s degree.
- 95% of students are Texas residents.
- Why do we want to increase student enrollment? The state of TX wants a college education, in 10 years, 75% of jobs will require a post-secondary credential.
- Run to R1, TXST tripled research expenditures which puts us in the top 20% of the country. 11 new doctoral programs going live in 2025.
- Requesting expansion of TUF since we now qualify for the full share. More money would need to go to TUF. With full share, TXST could get 70 million to fund research, this would make us competitive for bringing and retaining faculty, staff, and students.
- Growth at Round Rock campus with additional degrees. Freshmen attending RRC for the first time.
- Expanding ALERRT center.
- Currently offer full ride scholarships for families that make $50,000 or less. Asked legislature for $100,000 or less.
Q: What is the TXST student population you are trying to reach in the next 10 years? I have heard 70,000 similar to Texas A&M, but you said today 50,000. How many students physically will be living in San Marcos (including online students who still need to live somewhere)?
A: 50,000 students overall. Most of the growth is in Round Rock. Not anticipating significant growth in San Marcos, maybe additional 5,000 in the next 10 years.
Q: Will we get more parking garages for all these students, faculty, and staff??
A: Dan Costello to address this later in the meeting.
Passport Services – Manon Bowen, Director, Education Abroad and Passport Services
Passport Services presentation.
You can take your passport photo in your appointment. Appointment timeslots are 30 minutes, but they will likely not take this long. Appointments start March 3.
Questions & Answers
Q: Can renewal persons just come in and get their passport picture? If so, how much will the picture cost?
A: Picture cost is $15. See full list of fees.
Q: Can our child get a passport in your office?
A: Yes, please book a separate appointment for the child.
Q: Can you pay with a credit card for the picture?
A: Yes.
Q: Do passports only last 10 years?
A: Yes, for adults. Passports for children must be renewed more frequently.
Check-In with the Division of Finance and Support Services – Eric Algoe, Executive Vice President for Operations and CFO; Cristine Black, Associate Vice President for Budget and Planning; Dan Costello, Associate Vice President for Facilities
Moving forward with parking and transit study. Not anticipating significant additional growth at the San Marcos campus.
IT procurement: 17% increase in number of purchases made, 30% decrease in time to completion.
Questions & Answers
Q: Could you provide an update on the salary adjustments that were mentioned when the president took office, as it has been almost two years, and we have not seen the results of the job market audit?
A: There have been several rounds of raises provided across the university since President Damphousse took office. I do hope that people have noticed those. The last round of annual increases used the results of the compensation findings as a guide. HR will be standing up a website to share the compensation plan information publicly this spring.
Q: Are we going to continue with SAP for Budget items or will that be changing within the next few years? Is there going to be any software implemented to assist with RCM budget planning/predictive forecasting —or will this be within SAP or a potential new ERP system?
A: There are no immediate plans to leave SAP. We will be adding some new software tools to help the budget office manage RCM, but those will be used behind the scenes and most employees outside the budget office will not need to learn how to use them.
Q: Any plans on extending footprint beyond Bobcat Village - along Mill Street and Uhland Street?
A: This is not in the master plan.
Q: ETA on the Parking Garage?
A: We do not have a timeframe yet and will be conducting a parking and transit study this summer to assist in planning. The new Thorpe Lane lot, which will be as big as a parking garage, will open by this fall.
Q: Where will people park while the parking garage across from Ingram is being built?
A: This kind of thing will be discussed in the parking and transit study. There will likely need to be more reliance on transit for a period of time.
Q: Is this plan on the website? I only see the 2023-2029 plan on the website.
A: Please see TXST Construction Report linked above.
Q: Will there be Red Reserved parking available in these new garages? When would those open up for reservations in comparison to the garages opening?
A: TBD in the parking and transit study.
Q: Will this dining facility be similar to Commons/Harris Dining halls, buffet style?
A: Yes.
Q: For these new dorms by the LBJ Student Ctr, where will these students park?
A: TBD in the parking and transit study.
Q: Will there be a building that will replace Derrick Hall?
A: Only one wing of Derrick is being removed to create green space.
Q: Why are first-year students who live on campus allowed to bring cars on campus? IMHO, it would make sense to limit cars for freshman.
A: Often discussed and debated. No changes are imminent.
Q: What about the new Hotel/Conference Center?
A: We’re still working on it, but no news to share currently.
Q: What are the plans for ADA parking around Hilltop II? Many ADA spots were removed for Cibolo, Alamito, and Hilltop II construction yet were not replaced. Anyone needing these spaces working in Derrick or MCS have nothing close by without traversing hilly conditions. The 3 at Cibolo and Alamito are always taken by residents of these buildings.
A: TBD in the parking and transit study.
Q: Has there been any talk of not allowing First Year students (and students living on campus) not bringing cars to campus? This would free up parking for faculty, staff, and students and reduce the carbon footprint.
A: Often discussed and debated. No changes are imminent.
Q: Is there money being allocated toward maintenance of the infrastructure?
A: Yes – improved maintenance and renewal of existing buildings is the biggest part of the master plan.
Q: Where can we find the results of the Purchasing Task Force?
A: The results are not currently posted anywhere, but we are working on some communications to do so and to celebrate their accomplishments.
Q: How will the current federal and state executive orders affect, if at all, Texas State University?
A: Texas State University will continue to take steps to ensure we are in compliance with any executive orders or laws that are applicable.
Q: What is TUF funding used for?
A: TXST received a half share of TUF, 1/6, we now qualify for a full share, 1/3. The funding will be used to 1) launch and enhance academic programs, 2) cluster-hire support to invest in attracting highly productive research center and offer competitive salaries, 3) research core equipment funding, 4) hire additional research support positions in labs, grant support, etc., and 5) research facility maintenance enhancement projects.
Q: When will new budgets be released?
A: FY26 budgets will not change, an RCM budget reporting model will be available so departments can see what their budgets would look like under an RCM budget and to prep for the next fiscal year. In FY27, will begin transition to RCM budget model. Will likely have safeguards the first year so that if RCM budget indicates there should be a significant budget change, there will be a path towards this change over a manageable time. Should not anticipate drastic changes, plan on your typical budget allocation.
Q: Any more supporting staff hires coming
A: Yes, since Dr. Damphousse arrived, added over 100 staff and 200 faculty positions. Recognize this is catching up from a deficit and planning to add more positions.
Q: Could you provide an update on the salary adjustments that were mentioned when the president took office, as it has been almost two years and we have not seen the results of the job market audit?
A: Study is complete and should be published on the HR website this spring.
Q: What is happening to the Greenhouse in the new Campus Master Plan? The proposed Chemistry building would go in the place of the current Greenhouse, so is that being relocated somewhere else on campus?
A: The greenhouses will be relocated; however, the new location is not yet determined.
Q: Much of the newest and planned buildings appear to have a very modern architecture vs the Spanish style that many of our previous master plan buildings. Will we no longer be trying to follow a Spanish style for our buildings?
A: Trying to bring elements of the Spanish style into building but also affordability, so sometimes have to decide between the two.
Q: To be honest, I would rather Hiring and Onboarding provide an instruction manual with all the changes before I see a manual of accomplishments. Hiring is all over the place.
A: We've recently launched Faculty Hiring Guides (I'll find the link in a moment) and have a Supplemental Questions & Evaluative Criteria for Staff Hiring training session this month! https://events.txst.edu/hr-org-dev-comm.html?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D179737738
Faculty Hiring Guides: https://www.hr.txst.edu/talent-acquisition/hiring-101.html
Still work to be done, but just wanted to highlight updates/opportunities!
Item 1: Treasurer’s Report – Natalie Davis, Treasurer and Abigail Miller, Treasurer-Elect
Item 2: Tip of the Month – Samantha Williams, Vice-Chair
UPPS Policy Chat Box: This resource is going to be coming soon to campus. Stay tuned for more details!
ALKEK One: Explore a variety of technologies on the first floor of Alkek Library, including the MakerSpace. This space includes digital fabrication tools, such as a 3D printer, laser cutters, embroidery/sewing machines and more! The only cost associated with MakerSpace is the materials you use in your creations. Please note that training is required before the use of certain machines.
Item 3: Staff Shout-Outs – Hana Fuller, Secretary
- Brayden Worley, Sr. Budget Analyst, Budgeting and Financial Analysis
- Lydia Longoria, Executive Assistant, VP of Research
- Juan Morales, Network Technician, Network Operations
- Cody Hughes, Network Technician, Network Operations
Item 4: Staff Concerns – Krystyn Fleischauer, Parliamentarian
Check the status of submitted Staff Concerns
Item 5: Announcements – Chad Willis, Chair
- Bobcat Build staff team.
- Staff Council award nominations start March 3.
- Scholarship recipients will be notified in April.
- T-shirts were pre-ordered, watch your email for a pickup notification in late February/early March.
- HR Connections, February 18.
- Bobcat Employee Book Club: February's Read is Career Confidence by Robynn Storey. Join HR on February 13 for our first discussion!
- TEDxTexas State University, February 22.
- Due to spring break, the March meeting will be on the third Tuesday, March 18.
- Open call for announcements.
Closed Session
Staff Council members only.
Staff Council passed a majority vote to award two additional staff awards during the 2025 cycle. The additional awards will be determined by the Scholarships and Awards Committee.
Adjournment – Chad Willis, Chair
Motion: Kaycee Baker, second: Natalie Davis.